SMA Care

Ainaa 29 years old | SMA type 3

Ainaa 29 years old | SMA type 3

I’m Ainaa—a graphic artist, SMA advocate, and Founder of Conteng by Ainaa. I was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 2 through a biopsy. At that particular time, my parents were clueless. They had never heard of SMA. It happened 27 years ago when Mr. Google didn’t exist yet, and there wasn’t much readily available information regarding SMA. My parents were told there was no treatment and no cure. The only thing they could do was provide love and care to their baby girl. Having SMA does impact my artmaking. I take a longer time to finish each piece of artwork. It might look simple to other people, but not for someone with SMA. There are times when my body isn’t cooperating well, and I need to take a break to rest. I learned that painting doesn’t have to be perfect. It is what you paint. For now, I realize that my hand muscles are getting weaker compared to a few years back. I tend to get tired easily and have tremors. I can’t hold the brush for long anymore. But that does not stop me from painting. I hope the government will fund the treatment for SMA and that more attention will be given by the Ministry of Health to the SMA community. I just want to maintain the function that I have. That would be fantastic, and I hope to continue living my life the way I do. Please help spread the word!
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