SMA Care

Jayson, 8 years old | SMA type 3

Jayson, 8 years old | SMA type 3

Hi everyone, I’m Jayson and I’m 8 years old. I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 3. My parents found out about it when I was 20 months old. Last year, I started a new treatment, and it’s made a big difference in my life! Now, I can squat longer, walk up stairs with help, stand up from sitting by myself and even turn from my side to my tummy and sit up. These might seem like little things, but for me, they are huge! The treatment costs a lot of money a year. It’s expensive, and I know it’s hard for my family to afford it for a long time. My mummy told me that if we were from Serbia or Libya, we wouldn’t have to pay for my treatment because it is paid by their government. I don’t want to lose the progress I have made from the treatment just because my parents cannot afford it anymore I’m future. My parents and I will be really sad if this happens. That is why I need your support. Please help us get funding from the government so I and other kids with SMA can continue our treatments. Some of my friends who have SMA, I hope they can get the treatment like me too. My biggest hope is to play and run with my brothers in the playground someday. Please make my wish come true by sharing this post to raise awareness 🧡🩵
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